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General  Information


Tenants & Landlords

How it Works


Once a family has signed a contract, and moved into an assisted housing unit they are obligated to follow the rules and regulations set forth in the contracts. Contracts are written for a twelve-month period. A reexamination process is initiated 90 days before the twelve-month contract is to expire. If the participant wishes to remain on the assisted housing program the re-certification paperwork and inpection of the unit is required. There are specific deadline dates for the completion of this process.


When participants have changes in income or household composition, they are required to report these changes to the Casper Housing Authority office IN PERSON WITHIN 10 DAYS OF THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF THE CHANGE. This is extremely important to the participant to guarantee that their share of the rent is calculated accurately for their income and household size.


If a participant's family size changes, they will be required to move to a smaller or larger unit within a specified period of time so that the family size is properly housed with the bedroom size applicable to that family.


Participants are responsible for payment of Security Deposits, their fair share of the rent, payment of utilities not included in the rent and maintaining the unit in a safe, decent and sanitary condition. Any repairs above normal wear and tear are the financial responsibility of the participant.


Utility Allowances​


Utility allowances are based on the location of the unit which is being rented.




The Casper Housing Authority (CHA) is committed to combating fraud, waste and program abuse and encourages all staff, program participants and the public to report such activities.


We take seriously all credible allegations regarding:


  • Housing Fraud:  Violations to the lease, family obiligations, regulations, or other program requirements

  • Customer Service:  Complaint where the assistance provided by CHA staff was not resolved to the client's satisfaction and additional information or follow up is required by the client.

  • Harassment/Stalking:  Harassment by other tenants, neighbors or any type of stalking or harassment behavior towards or from CHA participants.

  • Criminal Activity:  Complaint where the law is violated, such as criminal and drug activity.

  • Violence Against Women Act, VAWA:  Domestic Violence, harassment, stalking and/or child abuse will not be tolerated.


Contact the CHA at 307.266.1388 for assistance in reporting.

Tenant Information

Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Residents


If you are a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher participant and you have a maintenance issue in your unit - you must first contact your landlord. If you do not receive a satisfactory response, then please put your request in writing and send it to your landlord and send a copy to the Casper Housing Authority office. If you still do not receive a satisfactory response, contact our Housing Quality Standards Inspector at 307.266.1388, x 10, for further information.


CHA Communities


The Maintenance Department hours are Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm A Maintenance Request Form must be filled out for all maintenance requests. This form is available at the CHA office or online at the top right corner of this page.  Email and voicemail requests are not being taken at this time. Please note that maintenance requests are prioritized based on emergency status, disability status and time needed to complete the request.




During closed hours, holidays and weekends, call 307.266.1388 and press 5 to be connected to the emergency maintenance line.

Landlord Information


Become a CHA Landlord


What is a Section 8 Housing Choice Landlord?


The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program increases affordable housing choices for very low-income households by allowing families to choose privately-owned rental housing. The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program creates a three-way partnership between the local housing authority, the participating family and the owner/landlord of the private rental property.


How the Process to become a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Landlord Works?


Through the Section 8 Rental Voucher Program, the administering housing authority issues a voucher to an income-qualified household, which then finds a unit to rent. If the unit meets the Section 8 housing quality standards, the housing authority then pays a subsidy directly to the landlord.


Steps to Landlord Participation:


When the family has found a housing unit that is satisfactory, they must negotiate a residential lease with the landlord. To do this, the landlord must first agree to participate in the Housing Choice Voucher Program. The rent for the unit must be reasonable, according to area comparables. If the landlord agrees to participate in the program and to lease their unit, the landlord and family should conduct a joint inspection of the unit to determine its current condition. The landlord must meet the lease requirements as set by CHA, and complete the documents given to the family, which include Request for Tenancy Approval, Tenancy Addendum, Owners Certification, (Management agreement if applicable),


Lead Based Paint disclosure statement, request for taxpayer identification and certification (Form W-9) from the IRS, and three copies of the residential lease agreement. The lease must not have the beginning or ending dates nor the contract rent amount filled in. The family will return these documents to our office where they will be reviewed and approved. If all is in order, an inspection of the rental unit will be conducted within 5-10 business days. If the unit meets Housing Quality Standards (HQS) set by federal regulations and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and CHA and the owner have agreed on a monthly contract rent amount, the lease will be approved.


The family may move in once the unit has passed inspection, and their current lease has expired. A Housing Assistance Payments Contract (known as a HAP Contract) must be signed by the Landlord and CHA. This contract runs concurrently with the Lease Agreement signed between the Landlord and the Assisted Family. Payment of the family’s portion of rent will begin on the effective date of the contract and lease. A family can remain on the Housing Assistance Program as long as they continue to be eligible and fulfill their obligations under the federal regulations of the program.


For additional information, contact: Trudi Lingle, Housing Programs Manager at 307-266-1388 or

Celebrating 50 Years of Service to the Casper Community



140 E. K Street

Casper, WY, USA

Mailing Address:

129 N. Elk Street

Casper, WY, USA


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